Thursday, March 5, 2015


The Bubba Coast 2 Coast Tour participants have started gathering. We met two riders yesterday. One man, Cecil, was gracious enough to drive out to our hotel and pick up our luggage for us. We then biked over to the other hotel, the Ocean Villa, and met Margie, the massage therapist for the tour. The plan was to bike with Cecil and Margie and show them Point Loma. Well that worked fine until we got to the top of the long series of hills and Cecil realized his pedal was coming off. Something had broken inside so we called Bubba who graciously sent a couple of crew members to pick up Cecil and his bike.

We continued on and went to the National Monument with Margie. Margie also showed Dave some massage techniques for his Achilles tendons which apparently aren't fully healed yet since there is some soreness deep inside the muscles. 

The following day (Thursday) we offered to lead another small group of three on the same ride. Again another bike needed to be rescued; this time because of problems with a hub! So I have been calling it the breakdown ride. Dave is more kind and calls it the shakedown ride.
Tomorrow we meet to get our "swag" for the tour. We then meet around 12:30 for a "get to know each other" meeting. One more day before we are on our way!

How many "Coasters" does it take to load a bike?
These are models of Navy ships probably used for testing. I didn't notice them sitting inside a fence until our third time up to Point Loma.

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